Robert (Bob) Wittman, son of Carl and Mary (Thalmyer) Wittman was Walter’s younger brother. He was in a long term relationship with Gloria Warshaw, a social worker and activist. Bobbie was Managing Editor and publisher for Carl’s weekly paper The Clarion from 1950-53. He spent a couple of years on a tramp freighter exploring South America. He became an independent property title examiner in Bergen Co. Pictures of him are scant, but some candid pictures of him and Gloria. Gloria’s obit follows. She had two daughters, Marya and Debbie.
Captions: page 4, from top, L-R Gloria July 26, 1977 at annual Cuban Independence Day Party, David Carlson & Bob, 7-26-1977, Gloria 1975, Bob on Sailboat “Melody” Sept 1988, Bob, undated.